
Prof. Tad Murty (Professor of University of Ottawa, Editor-in-Chief of Natural Hazards)

Author:JING TIAN    Source:ceep    Date:2015-06-24 Views:

【Speaker】:Prof. Tad Murty(Professor of University of Ottawa)

【Title】:Early Warning Systems to Mitigate Loss of Life and Damage to Infrastructure for Sustainable Development

【Time】:9:00am, Jun. 24, 2015

【Location】:6th floor, Main Building

【About Speaker】:
  Professor Tad Murty is the editor-in-Chief of Natural Hazards, an international scientific journal published by Springer in the Netherlands. He was born and got his early education in India and got his Ph.D. in Meteorology& Oceanography, University of Chicago, USA. He is the former director of the Australian National Tidal Facility and former director of the South Pacific sea level and climate Change Monitoring project. At present, he is the adjunct professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada. He is specialized in the mathematical modeling of natural hazards under climate change with applications to early warning systems. He is a consultant to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in Geneva and to the Inter-Governmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO in Paris, for more than three decades on natural hazards. Most recently, he edited the storm surge guide for the WMO. He has published about 400 peer reviewed scientific papers and about 100 other papers in proceedings of conferences, technical reports, internal departmental reports etc. He has authored, co-authored and edited 20 books. Also, he has received several national and international awards.
