
Beijing Key Laboratory of Energy Economics and Environmental Management

Author:Lu WANG    Source:ceep    Date:2017-03-29


  The Beijing Key Laboratory of Energy Economics and Environmental Management was approved by the Beijing municipal Science & Technology Commission in 2016. It is one of the first five institutes that are enrolled into the Beijing Think Tank Initiative. Based on the Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research, Beijing Institute of Technology, the Key Laboratory is currently directed by Professor Yi-Ming Wei, the Distinguished Professor of Cheung Kong Scholar Program and the National Natural Science Funds for Distinguished Young Scholar. The Key Laboratory is also entitled by The Funds for Creative Research Groups of China, the first five think tanks accredited by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and awarded by the Beijing Natural Science Foundation as one of the ten excellent research teams during the Twelfth Five-Year Plan.



  The mission of the Key Laboratory is to provide a forum for the analysis and discussions to China’s energy and environmental policy and strategy, particularly seeks to define the academic research agenda in the energy management of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration. It will be consistently aimed to tag the real-world priorities based on the interdisciplinary theories including big data, Artificial Intelligence technology, and decision making complex system.


  The Key Laboratory draws its strength from faculty members across the University who make up a remarkable intellectual community of scholars, researchers, and teachers with diverse background including one Cheung Kong Scholar, two National Natural Science Funds for Distinguished Young Scholar winners, two National Natural Science Funds for Outstanding Young Scholar winners, eight full professors, seven associate professors, eight assistant professors.
