2024年5月21日下午,美国科学院院士 杜克大学 Drew Shindell教授一行来访中心。中心师生向Drew Shindell教授一行介绍了CEEP-BIT的整体情况和中心自主开发的国家能源模型集成平台(iNEMS),双方进一步围绕气候变化综合评估建模、碳减排政策等领域开展学术交流。随后,Drew Shindell教授为中心师生做题为“The costs and benefits of climate change and decarbonization”的学术报告。中心主任魏一鸣教授、执行主任廖华教授、副主任唐葆君教授、副主任余碧莹教授等百余名师生参加了此次学术活动。
在本次报告中,Drew Shindell教授首先向中心师生介绍了过去千年和未来世纪全球野火的驱动力,并基于中等排放情景预测21世纪的变化。随后,Drew Shindell教授对比了1.5℃与参考情景下的美国过早死亡人数和劳动生产率损失情况。据此,Drew Shindell教授指出,气候政策能够影响人类健康、劳动生产率、作物产量以及经济价值,并讨论了这种影响在时间和空间维度的演变趋势。最后Drew Shindell教授强调非二氧化碳控排在气候政策中的重要地位。总的来看,基于国家行动的去碳化措施可以在人类健康、农业、经济方面产生显著效果。同时,增加对甲烷减排的政治关注并制定必要的法规也是实现去碳化目标的重要手段。讲座结束后,现场师生就如何考虑全球野火驱动因素中的人为救火行动、如何在研究中将CGE模型和气候模型进行耦合等问题与Drew Shindell教授进行了交流和探讨。
Prof. Drew Shindell is Nicholas Professor of Earth Science at Duke University and a member of US National Academy of Sciences. He studies climate change, air quality, and links between science and policy. He has been an author on >250 peer-reviewed publications, received awards from Scientific American, NASA, the NSF and the EPA, and is a fellow of AGU and AAAS. He has testified on climate issues before both houses of the US Congress (at the request of both parties). He chaired the 2011 UNEP/WMO Integrated Assessment of Black Carbon and Tropospheric Ozone, and was a Coordinating Lead Author on the 2013 Fifth Assessment Report of the IPCC and on the 2018 IPCC Special Report on 1.5°C. He also chairs the Scientific Advisory Panel to the Climate and Clean Air Coalition of nations and organizations.