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王科 教授

作者:ceep    来源:ceep    日期:2014-05-22 访问量:

北京理工大学管理与经济学院教授、博士生导师,能源经济与环境管理北京市重点实验室副主任,能源与环境政策研究中心能源环境效率与生产率实验室负责人,北京理工大学人文社会科学研究院院长,北京理工大学国家安全与发展研究院常务副院长,国家青年人才。长期致力于能源与碳中和系统工程、能源经济与气候治理、管理系统工程、效率与生产率分析等领域的研究。主持国家自然科学基金、国家社科基金重大北京市社科基金,共同主持中国清洁发展机制基金、中国低碳发展宏观战略研究课题、世界银行中国节能融资项目、国家电网科技项目、国家自然科学基金海外及港澳学者合作研究基金,参与国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金创新研究群体/重大/重大国际合作/智库项目、国家科技支撑计划等。曾入选霍英东教育基金会高等院校青年教师资助计划等。在国内外管理科学和能源经济等领域合作发表学术期刊论文100余篇,独著和合著中英文专著6部,参与撰写多份政策咨询报告并得到重视,获专利和软件著作权10余。3篇论文入选Elsevier高质量研究论文和引用最高论文系列,10篇论文入选ESI前1%高被引论文前0.1%热点论文,论文他引7000余次。中国双法研究会能源经济与管理分会副秘书长/常务理事中国煤炭学会碳减排工程管理专业委员会副秘书长中国系统工程学会能源资源系统工程分会常务委员Nature Energy等国际学术期刊论文评审人,Annals of Operations Research, Natural Hazards, Frontiers of Engineering Management, International Journal of Production Research客座主编,Journal of Modelling in Management助理主编/副主编。睿唯安全球高被引科学家(2018-)爱思唯尔中国高被引学者(2020-)





Wang K*, Zhang Y, Wei Y. Multiple options make net-zero emissions possible for China’s aviation passenger transport with 2.9 billion tonnes CO2 mitigation from 2020 to 2050. One Earth 2023, 6(8), 1050-1065.

Wang J, Ji C, Liu Y, Shan Y, Hubacek K*, Wei YM, Wang K*. Re-investigating the shared responsibility for trade-embodied carbon emissions. Ecological Economics 2024, 220, 108162.

Wei YM, Huang Z, Coffman D, Liao H, Wang K*. Production Optimisation in Carbon Reduction Engineering Management (Editorial). International Journal of Production Research 2024, 62(18), 6445-6448.

Pi Z, Wang K*, Wei YM, Huang Z. Transitioning from gasoline to electric vehicles: Electrification decision of automakers under purchase and station subsidies. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 2024, 188, 103640.

Zhao M, Wang K*. Short-term effects of PM2.5 components on the respiratory infectious disease: a global perspective. Environmental Geochemistry and Health 2024, 46, 293.

Fan D, Wei C, Zhao M, Wang K*. Forest-based climate change mitigation measures can generate Economy-Environment-Bioenergy synergistic benefits in China. Applied Energy 2024, 373, 123929.

Zhang Y, Wang K*. Mitigation effect of the European Union emission trading system on aviation emissions. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 2024, 130, 104186.

Liu X, Wang K*. The inequality of household carbon footprint in China: A city-level analysis. Energy Policy 2024, 188, 114098.

Zhang Y, Liu L*, Lan M, Su Z, Wang K*. Climate change and economic policy uncertainty: Evidence from major countries around the world. Economic Analysis and Policy 2024, 81, 1045-1060.

Xian Y, Li N, Wang K*. Carbon emissions marginal abatement cost and its influencing factors from the construction and hygienic ceramics manufacturing industries in China. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 2023, 104, 107352.

Xian Y, Hu Z, Wang K*. The least-cost abatement measure of carbon emissions for China's glass manufacturing industry based on the marginal abatement costs. Energy 2023, 284, 129159.

Wang K*, Wang Z, Xian Y*, Shi X*, Yu J, Feng K, Hubacek K, Wei YM. Optimizing the rolling out plan of China’s carbon market. iScience 2023, 26(1), 105823.

Chen M, Wang K*. The Combining and Cooperative Effects of Carbon Price and Technological Innovation on Carbon Emission Reduction: Evidence from China’s Industrial Enterprises. Journal of Environmental Management 2023, 343, 118188.

Chen M, Yu Dan, Shi X, Wang K*. Emission reduction tournament would postpone carbon peaking in China. Chinese Political Science Review 2023, 30, 47935-47955.

Shi C, Xian Y, Wang Z, Wang K*. Marginal abatement cost curve of carbon emissions in China: A functional data analysis. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 2023, 28, 13.

Chen M, Yao T, Wang K*. The economic impact of climate change: a bibliometric analysis of research hotspots and trends. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2023.

Cheng CFC, Yuan Q, Hua C, Xu Y, Cantore N*, Wang K*. Global Inclusive and Sustainable Competitive Industrial Performance (ISCIP): An Efficiency Based Spatio-temporal Analysis for 139 Countries. Applied Energy 2023, 333, 120603.

Chen Y, Wang Y, Ding T, Wang K*, Wu H. Water footprint and virtual water trade analysis in water-rich basins: Case of Chaohu Lake Basin in China. Science of the Total Environment 2022, 843, 156906.

Zhang Z, Su Z, Wang K*, Zhang Y*. Corporate environmental information disclosure and stock price crash risk: Evidence from Chinese listed heavily polluting companies. Energy Economics 2022, 112, 106116.

Zhang Y, Cao S, Lin X, Su Z, Wang K*. Corporate Financial Decision under Green Credit Guidelines: Evidence from China. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy 2022.

Wang Q, Wang K*. The synergistic and trade-off effects of economic-environmental-health improvement in agriculture sector: Evidence from China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2022, 29, 52590-52604.

Xian Y, Yu D, Wang K*, Yu J, Huang Z. Capturing the least costly measure of CO2 emission abatement: Evidence from the iron and steel industry in China. Energy Economics 2022, 106, 105812.

Chen Y, Wang M, Feng C, Zhou H, Wang K*. Total factor energy efficiency in Chinese manufacturing industry under industry and regional heterogeneities. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 2021, 168, 105255.

Wang K*, Xian Y, Yang K, Shi X, Wei YM, Huang Z. The Marginal Abatement Cost Curve and Optimized Abatement Trajectory of CO2 Emissions from China’s Petroleum Industry. Regional Environmental Change 2020, 20, 131.

Wang Q, Lu M, Bai Z, Wang K*. Coronavirus pandemic reduced China’s CO2 emissions in short-term, while stimulus packages may lead to emissions growth in medium- and long-term. Applied Energy 2020, 278, 115735.

Xian Y, Wang K*, Wei YM, Huang Z. Opportunity and marginal abatement cost savings from China's pilot carbon emissions permit trading system: simulating evidence from the industrial sectors. Journal of Environmental Management 2020, 271, 110975.

Yuan Q, Cheng CFC, Wang J, Zhu TT, Wang K*. Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development in China: An efficiency-based analysis for current status and improving potentials. Applied Energy 2020, 268, 114876.

Shi X, Wang K*, Shen Y, Sheng Y, Zhang Y. A Permit Trading Scheme for Facilitating Energy Transition: A Case Study of Coal Capacity Control in China. Journal of Cleaner Production 2020, 256, 120472.

Wang J, Wang K*, Wei YM. How to balance China’s sustainable development goals through industrial restructuring: A multi-regional input–output optimization of the employment–energy–water–emissions nexus. Environmental Research Letters 2020, 15, 034018.

Yuan Q, Yang D, Yang F, Luken R, Saieed A, Wang K*. Green industry development in China: An index based assessment from perspectives of both current performance and historical effort. Journal of Cleaner Production 2020, 250, 119457.

Wang K*, Wang J, Hubacek K, Mi Z, Wei YM. A cost-benefit analysis of the environmental taxation policy in China: A frontier analysis-based environmentally extended input-output optimization method. Journal of Industrial Ecology 2020, 24, 564–576.

Wang J, Wang K*, Shi X, Wei YM. Spatial heterogeneity and driving forces of environmental productivity growth in China: Would it help to switch pollutant discharge fees to environmental taxes? Journal of Cleaner Production 2019, 223, 36-44.

Lee CY, Wang K*, Sun W. Allocation of emissions permit for China’s iron and steel industry in an imperfectly competitive market: A Nash equilibrium DEA method. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 2019, doi: 10.1109/TEM.2019.2904985.

Xian Y, Wang K*, Wei YM, Huang Z. Would China’s power industry benefit from nationwide carbon emission permit trading? An optimization model-based ex post analysis on abatement cost savings. Applied Energy 2019, 235: 978-986.

Wang J, Wang K*, Shi X, Wei YM. Spatial heterogeneity and driving forces of environmental productivity growth in China: Would it help to switch pollutant discharge fees to environmental taxes? Journal of Cleaner Production 2019, 223, 36-44.

Xian Y, Yang K, Wang K*, Wei YM, Huang Z. Cost-environment efficiency analysis of construction industry in China: A materials balance approach. Journal of Cleaner Production 2019, 221: 457-468.

Gao G, Wang K*, Zhang C, Wei YM. Synergistic Effects of Environmental Regulations on Carbon Productivity Growth in China's Major Industrial Sectors. Natural Hazards 2019, 95(1), 55-72.

Lee CY*, Wang K. Nash Marginal Abatement Cost Estimation of Air Pollutant Emissions Using the Stochastic Semi-Nonparametric Frontier. European Journal of Operational Research 2019, 273, 1: 390-400.

Gao G, Chen M, Wang J, Yang K, Xian Y, Shi X, Wang K*. Sufficient or insufficient: Assessment on the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) of world’s major emitters. Frontiers of Engineering Management 2019, 6(1): 19-37.

Wang K*, Wang J, Wei YM, Zhang C. A novel dataset of emission abatement sector extended input-output table for environmental policy analysis. Applied Energy 2018, 231: 1259-1267.

Wang K*, Yang K, Wei YM, Zhang C. Shadow prices of direct and overall carbon emissions in China’s construction industry: a parametric directional distance function-based sensitive estimation. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 2018, 47: 180-193.

Wang K*, Mi Z, Wei YM. Will pollution taxes improve joint ecological and economic efficiency of thermal power industry in China? A DEA-based materials balance approach. Journal of Industrial Ecology 2018, doi:10.1111/jiec.12740.

Wang K, Wei YM, Huang Z*. Environmental efficiency and abatement efficiency measurements of China's thermal power industry: A data envelopment analysis based materials balance approach. European Journal of Operational Research 2018, 269(1): 35-50.

Xian Y, Wang K*, Shi X, Zhang C, Wei YM, Huang Z. Carbon emissions intensity reduction target for China’s power industry: An efficiency and productivity perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production 2018, 197: 1022-1034.

Wang K*, Lee CY, Zhang J, Wei YM. Operational performance management of the power industry: A distinguishing analysis between effectiveness and efficiency. Annals of Operations Research 2018, 268(1-2): 513-537.

Wang K*, Xian Y, Lee CY, Wei YM, Huang Z. On selecting directions for directional distance functions in a non-parametric framework: A review. Annals of Operations Research 2017, doi: 10.1007/s10479-017-2423-5.

Wang K, Che L, Ma C*, Wei YM. The Shadow Price of CO2 Emissions in China's Iron and Steel Industry. Science of the Total Environment 2017, 598, 272-281.

Wang Z, Li Y, Wang K*, Huang Z. Environment-adjusted operational performance evaluation of solar photovoltaic power plants: A three stage efficiency analysis. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2017, 76, 1153-1162.

Wang K*, Zhang J, Wei YM. Operational and environmental performance in China's thermal power industry: Taking an effectiveness measure as complement to an efficiency measure. Journal of Environmental Management 2017, 192, 254-270.

Wang K*, Xian Y, Zhang J, Li Y, Che L. Potential carbon emission abatement cost recovery from carbon emission trading in China: An estimation of industry sector. Journal of Modelling in Management 2016, 11(3), 842-854.

Wang K, Zhang X*, Yu X, Wei YM, Wang B. Emissions trading and abatement cost savings: An estimation of China's thermal power industry. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2016, 65, 1005-1017.

Wang K*, Xian Y, Wei YM, Huang Z. Sources of carbon productivity change: A decomposition and disaggregation analysis based on global Luenberger productivity indicator and endogenous directional distance function. Ecological Indicators 2016, 66, 545-555.

Wang K*, Wei YM. Sources of energy productivity change in China during 1997-2012: A decomposition analysis based on the Luenberger productivity indicator. Energy Economics 2016, 54, 50-59.

Liu Y, Wang K*. Energy efficiency of China's industry sector: An adjusted network DEA (data envelopment analysis)-based decomposition analysis. Energy 2015, 93, 1328-1337.

Wang K*, Wei YM, Huang Z. Potential gains from carbon emissions trading in China: A DEA based estimation on abatement cost savings. OMEGA-The International Journal of Management Science 2016, 63, 48-59.

Wang K*, Wang YX, Li K, Wei YM. Energy poverty in China: An index based comprehensive evaluation. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2015, 47, 308-323.

Wang K*, Yu S, Li MJ, We YM. Multi-directional efficiency analysis-based regional industrial environmental performance evaluation of China. Natural Hazards 2015, 75(2S), 273-299.

Wang K*, Wei YM. China’s regional industrial energy efficiency and carbon emissions abatement costs. Applied Energy 2014, 130, 617-631.

Wang K*, Huang W, Wu J, Liu YN. Efficiency measures of the Chinese commercial banking system using an additive two-stage DEA. OMEGA-The International Journal of Management Science 2014, 44, 5-20.

Wang K*, Liu YN. Can Beijing fight with haze? Lessons can be learned from London and Los Angeles. Natural Hazards 2014, 72, 1265-1274.

Wang K*, Zhang X, Wei YM, Yu S. Regional allocation of CO2 emissions allowance over provinces in China by 2020. Energy Policy 2013, 54, 214-229.

Wang K*, Wei YM, Zhang X. Energy and emissions efficiency patterns of Chinese regions: A multi-directional efficiency analysis. Applied Energy 2013, 104, 105-116.

Wang K*, Lu B, Wei YM. China's regional energy and environmental efficiency: A Range-Adjusted Measure based analysis. Applied Energy 2013, 112, 1403-1415.

Wang K*, Wang L, Wei YM, Ye M. Beijing storm of July 21, 2012: observations and reflections. Natural Hazards 2013, 67, 969-974.

Wang K*, Wei YM, Zhang X. A comparative analysis of China’s regional energy and emission performance: Which is the better way to deal with undesirable outputs? Energy Policy 2012, 46, 574-584.

Wang K*, Wei FJ. Robust data envelopment analysis based MCDM with the consideration of uncertain data. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics 2010, 21(6), 981-989.

Wang K*, Yu X. Industrial Energy and Environment Efficiency of Chinese Cities: An Analysis Based on Range-Adjusted Measure. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making 2017, 16(4), 1023-1042.

Wang K*, Liu YN. Prospect of China’s energy conservation and emission reduction during the remaining years of the 12th Five-Year Plan period. International Journal of Global Energy Issues 2016, 39(1/2): 18-34.

Zhang X, Wang K*, Hao Y, Fan JL, Wei YM. The impact of government policy on preference for NEVs: The evidence from China. Energy Policy 2013, 61, 382-393.

Yuan XC, Wang Q, Wang K, Wang B, Jin JL, Wei YM. China’s regional vulnerability to drought and its mitigation strategies under climate change: data envelopment analysis and analytic hierarchy process integrated approach. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 2015, 20(3), 341-359.

Lu B, Wang K, Xu Z. China’s regional energy efficiency: results based on three-stage DEA model. International Journal of Global Energy Issues 2013, 36(2), 262-276.

Wang B, Pan SY, Ke RY, Wang K, Wei YM. An overview of climate change vulnerability: a bibliometric analysis based on Web of Science database. Natural Hazards 2014, 74(3), 1649-1666.

Wei YM, Wang K, Wang ZH, Tatano H. Vulnerability of infrastructure to natural hazards and climate change in China. Natural Hazards 2014, 75(2), 107-110.

Wei YM, Wang L, Liao H, Wang K, Murty T, Yan J. Responsibility accounting in carbon allocation: A global perspective. Applied Energy 2014, 130, 122-133.



Xian Y, Wang K*. (2018). Carbon Productivity and Carbon Shadow Price in China’s Power Industry: An Endogenous Directional Distance Function Approach. In Energy, Environment and Transitional Green Growth in China. Springer.

Wang K*. (2015). Energy Efficiency Index via Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA): Methodology and Application. In Handbook of Clean Energy Systems. Wiley.

Wang K*. (2016). Evaluation and Decomposition of Energy and Environmental Productivity Change Using DEA. In Handbook of Operations Analytics Using Data Envelopment Analysis. Springer US.

魏一鸣,王科,唐葆君,丁郁等著, 2017.黑龙江省伊春市低碳发展研究.北京:人民出版社.













国家发展和改革委中国低碳发展宏观战略研究:黑龙江省伊春市低碳发展研究,2012年-2014 年,执行负责人












Journal of Modelling in Management副主编、助理主编

Annals of Operations Research, Natural Hazards, Frontiers of Engineering Management, International Journal of Production Research座主编

European Journal of Operational Research, OMEGA, Annals of Operations Research, Energy Economics, Energy Policy, Applied Energy, International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Production Economics, Natural Hazards, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Energy Efficiency, Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of Environmental Management, Nature Energy等期刊论文评审人




