为下列国际期刊邀请为评审专家:Omega、EJOR、Tourism Management、International Journal of Production Economics、International Journal of Production Research、International Journal of Operations and Production Management、Service Science、2009年IEEE工业工程和工程管理国际会议分会场主席
[1] Zhang, X. Reference-dependent Electric Vehicle Production Strategy Considering Subsidies and Consumer Trade-offs. Energy Policy, 2014, 67, 422-430. (SCI )
[2] Zhang, X., Chen, R.Q. Asymmetric effects, regulatory focus, and attribute performance—— Mixed experimental evidence in airline overbooking recovery. International Journal of Production Economics, 2013, 142(1), 27-36. (SCI/SSCI).
[3] 李果, 张祥, 马士华, 王兆华. 不确定交货条件下供应链装配系统订货优化与协调研究综述. 计算机集成制造系统, 2012, 18(2), 369-380. (EI)[4] Zhang, X., Ye, C. Chen, R.Q, and Wang, Z.H. Multi-focused strategy in value co-creation with customers: Examining cumulative development pattern with new capabilities. International Journal of Production Economics, 2011, July, 132(1): 122-130. (SCI/SSCI)
[5] Wang, Z., Zhang, B., Yin, J., and Zhang, X. Willingness and behavior towards e-waste recycling for residents in Beijing city, China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2011, 19(9-10): 977-984. (SCI/SSCI)
[6] Li, G., Zhang, X., Wang, Z., and Gao, T. Coordination performance evaluation of supply logistics in JIT environment. International Journal of Advanced Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, 2011, 3(1): 16-28, January-March.
[7] 李果,张祥,马士华. 基于不同交货期策略的两供应商-单制造商协同供货模型. 中国管理科学,2010,18(5): 66-75. (国家自然科学基金委管理科学部认定的A级重要期刊)
[8] 张祥,陈荣秋. 竞争优势的新来源:与顾客共创价值. 管理工程学报, 2009, 23(4): 14-19. (国家自然科学基金委管理科学部认定的A级重要期刊)
[9] Zhang,X., Chen, R.Q. Examining the Mechanism of the Value Co-creation with Customers. International Journal of Production Economics,2008, 116(2):242-250.(SCI)
[10] Zhang,X., Chen, R.Q., and Liu, P.Q. Exploring the congruence between functional strategies and customer integration strategy in customerization. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (English Edition), 2008, 17(Suppl.): 106-111. (EI)
[11] Zhang,X., Chen, R.Q., and Ma, Y.B. An empirical examination of response time, product variety and firm performance. International Journal of Production Research, 2007, 45(14):3135-3150.(SCI and SSCI)
[12] Zhang,X., Chen, R.Q. Forecast-driven or customer-order-driven? An empirical analysis of the Chinese automotive industry. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 2006, 26(6): 668-688. (SSCI)
[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目“调节聚焦对新能源汽车有限理性订货决策行为的影响机制研究”(71372018),2014.01~2017.12,项目主持人.
[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目“收益管理中的不完全理性顾客决策行为机理研究”(70972005),2010.01~2012.12,项目主持人.
[3] 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划“基于调节性匹配理论的新能源汽车消费选择行为研究”(NCET-12-0041),2013.01~2015.12,项目主持人.
[4] 北京市优秀人才培养资助项目“新能源汽车市场化中的有限理性研究”(2011D009011000007),2012.01~2013.12,项目主持人.
[5] 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“基于超售策略的航空旅客决策行为机理研究”(08JC630007),2009.01~2011.12,项目主持人.
[6] 北京理工大学优秀青年教师资助计划“按订单生产方式下基于订单交付过程的系统响应性研究”(2007Y0819),2007.12~2009.12,项目主持人
[7] 海淀区生活垃圾收运体系优化研究——模型优化(no. 20132141016),委托单位:北京市海淀区环境卫生科学研究所,2013.04.18~2013.12.31, 项目主持人.
[8] 国家级大学生创新性实验计划项目“废旧汽车零部件再生利用决策支持系统研究与开发” (091000747),2009.11~2010.06,负责教师.